Monday, November 8, 2010

Freeze to death while in bed!

Last night I went to bed at an average time (about 11:00), and soon realized I couldn't fall asleep. It wasn't because I wasn't tired or I was excited about anything. It was because I was freezing to death!
For some reason around this time of year my room becomes incredibly cold. The rest of the house is nice and warm but my room and the office/guest room are freezing cold. Especially at night.

I was so cold that I had actually considered grabbing my jacket and wearing it over my pajamas, but all I did was curl up in a ball and wrap the blanket around me.
I fell asleep for about 2 hours until the bitter cold woke me up again.

I couldn't get back to sleep and ended up just lying there, wondering what would help make me warm enough to sleep. That's when I remembered that there were a bunch of stuffed animals near my bed. So I grabbed them all and stuffed them inside that blanket, hoping that they would help keep me warm.

They didn't help at all. I just ended up looking like some sort of lumpy blanket monster.

But somehow I ended up getting one more hour of sleep before my alarm clock went off.

Over all, after getting only 3 hours of sleep I ended up almost falling asleep during 1st period P.E., nearly passing out during a 2nd period algebra test, and almost having a mental break-down in 6th period Japanese.

Isn't my life great? (<---Clearly about to pass out on the keyboard.)

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