Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Do you know what I'm thankful for? (Well, besides my family, friends, possessions, etc.) I'm thankful for my loving boyfriend, Masa!
A little less than a week ago, I went with him to see the last performance of the school play. He was the understudy for the main character so he wasn't really in it, but that's okay because we got to hang out.

So while we were waiting for the play to start, we ended up looking through my purse because we're weird.

I was looking at all the gift cards I haven't had time to spend, and came across my old Babysitter's Training certification card for a babysitting class I took about 3 years ago.

Masa was all, "Hey, I took one of those classes too!", and he takes out a card from his wallet that's almost identical to mine.

Upon looking at the two cards, we noticed that the cards were both dated, 06/09/2007.

We were surprised that the dates were the same and started quizzing each other on certain events that happened that day.

The only event that had really stuck out in my mind was when we were supposed to watch a funny babysitting scene from "The Incredibles" but the DVD remote wouldn't work.

So one of the teacher ladies was all:
I ended up raising my hand because I was pretty good at figuring out computers at the time so I figured that a remote would be nothing. At the same time Masa raised his hand and we both ended up going up to the front of the room to help.

I mostly just stood there, not really knowing what to do and asking the same question over and over.
So we pretty much had only one conversation:

Me: Maybe it's the batteries. Try checking the batteries.
Masa: The batteries are fine.
Me: Did you try checking the batteries?
Masa: Yes. I checked the batteries.
Me: Are you sure it's not the batteries?
Masa: It's not the batteries!
Me: Are you sure?

In the end we just agreed that the remote was out of batteries and moved on with the class.

Anyways, Masa and I were extremely excited that we had met when we were 12, even though we didn't know it was us at the time.

So happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How I met my boyfriend.

Ever since 5th grade I was an angry, sad, confused, and fearful child who would cringe at the thought of talking to another human.

From 7th to 9th grade, I hung out with an odd, secluded group of friends who added/lost at least 1-2 new people to the group each year.

These people were the only people I even let near me and talked to willingly. If anyone else were to talk to me or come near me then I would turn into some sort of rabid animal.
Upon starting 9th grade I already (sorta) had a "boyfriend". (I'll explain more about this guy in a separate post 1-2 days from now.) Though I had doubts about this guy because I thought he was cheating on me (it was hard to tell since he lived in another city), so I pretty much rejected the idea that happiness and love exist and just kept him around so that I had an excuse to keep weird guys away from me without hurting their feelings. (Later on in the year I "broke up" with him because I found out he really was cheating on me.)

During this this time of me being my angry little emo self, my friends added Masa to the group. (More like he added himself but whatever.)
I almost immediately developed a crush on him, but since I (sorta) already had a "boyfriend", I pushed the thought to the back of my mind and continued on with my life.

Then one day in Japanese class, we were learning how to say months and days in Japanese.

Everyone had to tell Sensei their birthday in Japanese. I said mine (January 13th: in Japanese it's "ichigatsu juusannichi") right before the end of class.

Once the bell rang and I was about to leave, Masa walked up to me and asked me what time I was born. (I was born about 12:30 AM.)

I was so nervous about him talking to me that I ended up answering in Japanese.
Then he told me that he was born on the same day as me.

After that incident, I began to notice him more and my crush on him resurfaced.

I wanted to tell him that I liked him, but I soon learned that he liked one of my friends (I'll just call her Miz just in case she doesn't want her real name out on the Internet).

After finding that out, I accepted the fact that I probably wasn't anything more than a friend to him and I decided that since he doesn't like me then I shouldn't like him. So, once again, I ignored my feelings for him.

Then around the time that I "broke up" with my sorta "boyfriend", I learned that Miz didn't like Masa back. In fact, she didn't even like him as a friend! She hated him!

Once again, my crush on him resurfaced; but it didn't last very long.

Around the time of the Sadie Hawkins dance, I learned that another friend of mine liked him.

I tried to forget about my crush on him again, but this time it wouldn't go away. It seemed like, even though he was "dating" my friend, he liked me back...but I just dismissed the thought.

Well, soon his and my friend's relationship ended in a fiery battle of wits (A.K.A they had many fights). He drifted further away from my group of friends until he was barely even talking to any of us on Skype.

I soon learned that the reason for him ignoring them was because they developed a strong hate towards him. I figured that he must be a bad person and I even tried to hate him along with the others...
...but I couldn't.
Near the end of the year, we were talking on Skype and he said that he liked me, and I told him that I liked him back. He then ended up asking me out.

Soon my friends heard about this and warned me about him. They said that he was just looking for attention, he wanted other people's pity, and that he wanted to change me.

With me being torn between the only person who ever truly liked me back and my best friends, I became confused about who I should trust.

Finally, I ended up going on my first date with him on June 21, 2010 and we've been together since.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Freeze to death while in bed!

Last night I went to bed at an average time (about 11:00), and soon realized I couldn't fall asleep. It wasn't because I wasn't tired or I was excited about anything. It was because I was freezing to death!
For some reason around this time of year my room becomes incredibly cold. The rest of the house is nice and warm but my room and the office/guest room are freezing cold. Especially at night.

I was so cold that I had actually considered grabbing my jacket and wearing it over my pajamas, but all I did was curl up in a ball and wrap the blanket around me.
I fell asleep for about 2 hours until the bitter cold woke me up again.

I couldn't get back to sleep and ended up just lying there, wondering what would help make me warm enough to sleep. That's when I remembered that there were a bunch of stuffed animals near my bed. So I grabbed them all and stuffed them inside that blanket, hoping that they would help keep me warm.

They didn't help at all. I just ended up looking like some sort of lumpy blanket monster.

But somehow I ended up getting one more hour of sleep before my alarm clock went off.

Over all, after getting only 3 hours of sleep I ended up almost falling asleep during 1st period P.E., nearly passing out during a 2nd period algebra test, and almost having a mental break-down in 6th period Japanese.

Isn't my life great? (<---Clearly about to pass out on the keyboard.)

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Hey! This is my first blog! Cool!

So you may be wondering, "Julie, what do mean by 'this is not soup'?" Good question! You see, a while back my little sister and I were watching TV. An argument broke out of nowhere and it ended in my sister yelling, "THIS IS NOT SOUP!" in a strange voice that can only be described as a really good imitation of Truffles from the TV show Chowder.

Right after she said this, there was a long awkward silence. Then suddenly, we burst out laughing and forgot about the previous argument.

Since then, the quote of, "THIS IS NOT SOUP!" has been yelled out in the most random of situations and nobody can help but laugh.